

看了克里斯蒂安贝尔在Mary, the mother of Christ里的片段。还有他的前十最佳表演片段从1987年的Empire of the Sun到2000年的American Pyscho到2004年的the Machinisit,2006年的Rescue Dawn,2012年的蝙蝠侠。 



然而后来搜到一个关于贝尔body transformation的访谈合集,发现贝尔不单单有颜值,而且是self-discipline的代名词。

在严格执行了导演克里斯托弗诺兰的那句“getting as big as you can”贝尔从机械师的55kg急速增肌结果过度超过了100千克,然后无端收获到剧组-“myparents are dead and I am fat"式的“batfat”以及“他能不能把自己塞进suit里”等一系列灭绝人性的评论。于是贝尔又欢快地迅速把自己减回到了86千克。连Christopher Nolan都顶着他那张漂亮的脸一脸震撼地评价道:Christian has showed extreme level of self-discipline and dedication to the role. It was clear to me, looking into his eyes, that it is somebody who can make you belive any possiblities, somebody dovotional in their life to something that is extreme. (联系一下贝尔的:I never want to feel it that I am playing it safe.)


I've never had a singe director asked me to do it. Everyone was kind of going like: well, we can probably do a little bit of make up, a little bit of prothestics, we can do it. And then they discovered that I am really doing on myself.They've always gone: really? are you ok doing that? You know. So I've never actually had anybody said: you have to get to this place. It has alway been me who would say I had to get to that place. If I am gonna do it, if I am gonna take the time to do it, then I am gonna do it in as much of an immersive way as possible. I might(have) immersion very much, but I am not gonna take that to a stupid length. I am not gonna do it for the sake of it, it is only worthy if it is foretelling a really great story. 

很多时候别人都在getting easy on you,只有你自己坚持,足够狠下心,知道自己想要什么才能收获成果赢得尊重。

另外觉得,媒体说Christian Bale——a Sex Symbol,非常非常地赞同——😊不止于身体上的性感,还有精神层面的性感😊。

